Generate Press & Generate blocks

GeneratePress have it’s own font manager but it’s limited.

Register fonts in the Font hero as for any other project. Google Font, Adobe Font or custom font.

screenshot 2024 05 09 at 13.14.46

Generate press customiser

  1. Appearance
  2. Generate Press
  3. Open options in Typography System tab
screenshot 2024 05 09 at 13.18.12

Add font to Typography System

  1. Click on the Add Font in the Font Manager
  2. Select font from the dropdown
  3. Click add font

Assign fonts globally

Move down to the next section Typography Manager

  1. Select selector
  2. Assign registered font from the list

Assign fonts in blocks

Font Hero have integration with GeneratePress blocks and you can find registered fonts under GeneratePress Blocks Typography settings

screenshot 2024 05 09 at 13.34.36