GeneratePress & GenerateBlocks

Integrating Custom Fonts in Gutenberg

Integrating custom fonts into GeneratePress & GenerateBlocks is a straightforward process. This guide will show you how to add and use new font families in the them.

Step 1: Register Your Font Family in Font Hero

Firstly Register your custom font family in the Font Hero section.

  1. Navigate to ‘Appearance’ and click on ‘Font Hero’.
  2. Add Google / Adobe (typekit) Fonts or add your custom fonts or import ready to use Font Pairs for your Headings, Text and Subheadings from ‘Font Pairing’ tab from top right area.
  3. Save your changes.

Step 2: Register Custom Fonts in the Customizer Globally

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  1. Open Customizer > Typography.
  2. Then Click Add Font in Font Manager.
  3. Just select the font from list and make sure you toggle OFF the Use Google Fonts API. Or if it is a non-google font then you need to type the font family in the Font Family textbox. (see screenshot above).
    Note : This is a must step to show fonts in typography manager and blocks.
  4. Then you can set them in the Typography Manager area as global styles, i.e. as I’ve set Body custom font to the Body, and Headline font-family to All headings.

Step 3: Use fonts in Generate Blocks or in Gutenberg editor

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  1. If you add Google fonts then select from the list
  2. If it is a Custom font (non-google or Adobe Typekit) then you need to type the Font-Family manually and click Add ‘Font-family name’ or press Enter key. (Screenshot above).