2.4.1 – 3 December 2024
Loading Style tab
- Cached Winden CSS is now after Oxygen Cached CSS
2.4.0 – 28 November 2024
Meta Box Views integration. It will scan for Meta Box Blocks classes written in views
Elementor Integration (Injecting CSS, Plain Classes, Crawling Classes)
Wizard Backups ( Import/Export, Load/Save Wizard Presets )
Oxygen Builder was giving fatal error if you dequeue style
Compiled Cache CSS is not working for non-logged in users if load CDN for admin was enabled
Dequeuing Bricks styles was not working
Winden CSS was effecting Bricks Builder. Now it’s isolated to the Preview iFrame only
Bricks classes are not fetched properly
PHP warning in debug log while using Bricks Builder
Oxygen Builder dequeue CSS now works inside editor as well
Oxygen Plain Classes Oxygen now allowed to use – (dash / minus) and brackets ( ) in the class name
Oxygen Builder plain classes/autocomplete improvements
2.3.1 – 13th November 2024
- Wizard tabs are disabled by default to avoid interfering with upgrades from versions before to Wizard
- Wizard tabs are set to ‘extend’ mode by default to prevent overwriting the default Tailwind settings; using ‘extend’ adds the values as an addition.
2.3.0 – 11th November 2024
- Removed dependencies
- IlluminateContainer
- Validation
- Collections
- Database
- Config
- Log
- Events
- Symfony
- Carbon
- Guzzlehttp
- Twig
- Scssphp (We use Native SCSS dart now)
- IlluminateContainer
- All dependencies are simplified and replaced with our codebase.
Twig was causing more problems than benefits. Developers in most of the plugins do not check if twig is already registered and that was giving fatal errors that was burdon on our support to explain users that even if error log state that bug was not in our plugin they were still asking us to fix the bug.
We were not using Symphony and Illumitate that much so we decided to redo php part and remove almost 6mb or dependencies. - PHP Support
With removing dependencies and scoper we now support even php 8.0. Before minimum was 8.1 - Support for Dartsass
SCSSPHP is code heavy and outdated library that is easy to add to your project but they stated that moving to dartsass is too much work for them. So we moved to native Sass api. - Gutenberg components library
We started migrating from radix components to gutenberg native components. They are more WordPress friendly and already comes with good accessibility. - UI updates
We have removed all unnecessary elements to help you focus even more. Two rows header is now merged into one. Winden logo and pages are removed and now main priority are tabs.
We do not have multiple pages as everything now is one react one page app.
Added option to collapse right side menu to give more space
Added Topbar quick access. If you do not use WP Admin Cleaner menus can be crowded and this is much easier way to find it. - Helpers
Are now part of wizard with instant preview. If you enable for example bricks colors it’s natural to see interaction and preview right away.
Colors are formatted and now support groups as bricks and oxygen supports palette categories.
Utility colors now also have preview even in wizard
Colors now start lightest as lowest number same as in tailwind css palette
Improved Wizzard config tab.
Now all included helpers settings will be displayed inside config as well as JSON output.
Improved Wizzard screens tab.
Now support gutenberg break points.
Generated files.
We revered logic to have only 1 CSS file for style, not not to make it per task.
Editor is now fetching content from files. If you edit style.css or config.js file and reload editor with fetch latest changes from tile and not database. If you delete files from upload foldes editor will fallback to the database.
- UI Wizzard that can generate:
- Colors
- Font Family names
- Font sizes (Fluid and Fixed with scale ratio)
- Sizes (Fluid and Fixed with scale ratio)
- Breakpoints
- Now you can save tailwind.config.js inside scanned folder to be able to get autocomplete from Visual Studio
- Does not need to reload page to fetch latest data from config and wizzard. It was force reload before.
Bricks Builder integration - Improved class names crawling. We did not include classes added under options > CSS. Its fixed will latest build
- Tailwind CSS was effecting admin area.
- Now checkers if Gutenberg is enabled.
2.2.1 – 27th August 2024
- Error if some of the dynamic fields get null
2.2.0 – 15th August 2024
- Winden no longer requires a server to compile; the entire process now happens directly in the browser.
- Autocomplete is no longer compiled; it is now received directly from the Tailwind Config Object.
- Gutenberg autocomplete have screen helpers to insert screen (breakpoint) on click
- We’ve added support for Bricks Builder Child Theme. Now, it will retrieve dynamic values from the child theme just as it does from the main theme.
2.1.0 – 26th Jun 2024
- Bricks Builder Dynamic data. Fetch data for Colors, Font Family and Breakpoints
- Oxygen Builder Dynamic data. Fetch data for Colors, Font Family, Font Sizes and Breakpoints
- Gutenebrg (FSE) Dynamic data. Fetch data for Colors, Font Family and Space (Padding, Marging, Gap)
2.0.8 – 27th May 2024
- Support for Oxygen 4.8.3 meta keys
2.0.7 – 21st May 2024
- Bypass Oxygen limitations with class name that have dot. Example: gap-1.5
2.0.6 – 15th May 2024
- Important ! was not working with breakpoint lg:!hidden
2.0.5 – 14 May 2024
SCSS was not working with CDN
- Important ! was not working with hover:!
2.0.4 – 3 Mart 2024
- Style gallery
- Color picker in style tab
Updated way of way how to craw classes and tested with 3000+ posts
Gutenberg plain classes now have priority order. Biggest problem were add-on such as Generate Press that ads extra items in the panel
In Plain Classes Oxygen we increased the tags max number to 50 instead of 10, and autocomplete options to 20 instead of 10.
Winden SCSS issue
Autocomplete values loaded twice
Winden Loaded in classing editor
Styles not working from bricks tagify classes
2.0.3 – 23 Apri 2024
- Custom autocomplete inside code editor based on your configuration settings. Same as you have in plain classes
- Added predefined autocomplete for @apply, @screens, @config, @layer
- Plain Classes Bricks now packed with Winden
- Plain Classes Oxygen now packed with Winden
- Plain Classes Gutenberg now packed with Winden
- Added important on the editors iframe root level to bypass editors defaults. This will not effect front end. Only it will make more realisting preview without user needs to use important inside editor
- Bricks Plain Classes – Added copy and paste classes button
- [&>] was not fetched as gutenberg was converting “&” and “” to unicode
- Included tailwind first-party plugins to be able to import resolve config
- Updated handling of modules in browser to reduce console errors when working with CDN
- Files scanner is now improved with dynamic path in case wp-content is moved. LocalWP app and other servers are doing that by the default
- Cashed files are now improved with dynamic path in case wp-content is moved. LocalWP app and other servers are doing that by the default
- Security updates
- Fixed @wordpress/interactivity Error when using CDN
- Conflict with Gutenberg blocks that use API v2
- Tailwind CSS was effecting in Gutenberg admin area
- Classes after line breaks in plain classes gutenberg was not fetched
- Licence error after website change domain. It was giving error if you want to deactivate licence after migration
- Dequeue Oxygen Styles was interfering with code block
- Fix: Oxygen Template was not scanned
- Improvement: if oxygen cache exist it will be loaded after oxygen cache
- Fix: Disconnected from server if compile with config error
- Completely new version of Winden. It’s rebuild from ground zero with modern technology. Follow our docs on how to migrate from version 1 to version 2. https://docs.dplugins.com/winden/migration-to-20/
- Small UI tweaks
- Fix: Issue on the shipped plugin zip file
- Fix: Redundant invalid license notice on the admin page
- [Bricks] Improve: scan classes from the Editor’s element panel
Style → CSS → CSS classes
- [Pinegrow] New: The cached CSS now will include the Pinegrow’s project.
- [Pinegrow] New: Pinegrow’s preview integration
- Fix: CDN is not loaded properly
- [Pinegrow] New: Pinegrow editor integration for
Blocks for an existing site → Custom CSS
project. Enable the integration on the Winden’s setting page
- Fix: Exclude
from the worker’s required modules
- New: Initial Pinegrow integration
- Change: Redesign the setting page’s user interface
- New: Winden website now available on https://winden.dev
- Change: Update some action and filter hooks name
- Change: Remove the 1st-party tailwind-plugin (forms,typography,aspect-ratio,line-clamp) from the default preset
- Fix: Worker misinterpreted the tailwind config if using tailwind-plugins
- [Bricks] New: Placeholder to sync with Bricks’ breakpoint setting
- Improved: Seamless worker support for local development
- Fix: Error on license-setting page if migrating a site with license activated
- Change: Updating all action and filter hooks name
- New: Elementor integration
- New: Zion Builder integration
- Change: The Tailwind config field for the worker was removed from the setting page
- Change: The NPM package field for the worker was removed from the setting page and adjusted to have the same behavior as the CDN
- New: The Global CSS field changed on the setting page will be synced instantly to the frontend and editor without the need to reload the page
- Improved: The code editor of Global CSS and Tailwind Config now has full-width and growable height
- [Gutenberg] New: Support Gutenberg FSE (Full Site Editor)
- [Gutenberg] New: Support inline Preview of
Custom HTML
block - Fix: Escaped class names when generating CSS cache that resulting failed to cache
- Fix: Error on migrating a site with license activated
- Fix: Race condition between Tailwind CDN and Modules
- Change: The frontend CDN will now be enqueued in the header instead of footer
- New: Cwicly integration
- New: Gutenberg integration
- [Bricks] New: Dequeue Bricks’ default stylesheet
- [Oxygen] Fix: Plain Classes autocomplete integration
- New: All
on the CDN configuration will load the appropriate package from Skypack.dev CDN. This behavior is copied from Tailwind Play. - [Bricks] New: Register autocomplete to Brick’s Global Classes index
- New: Rebranded as “Winden”
- New: Bricks integration