
Thumbnails Manager

Remove images by size

Not you can remove uploaded images by size to clean up space before backup or to remove images before you remove or unregister image size. This will remove images from “wp-content/uploads/”

This will remove a lot manual work with just one click.

Once you open Thumbnails tab you will see all registered image sizes by theme, plugins or even DevKit.

devkit thumbnails manager

Add new Thumbnail Size

You can register new image sizes on the fly with out any code. Only with UI.
Options provided:

  1. Thumbnail size name
  2. Width
  3. Height
  4. And if you want to crop it or not.

After filling the values “Add Size” button will change state to active.

Remove image size

You are allowed to remove registered images sizes that were created with DevKit. It will be in Remove Size column. Images registered outside of Devkit, via plugin or theme will be marked as “-“.

Generate code

Since the purpose of DevKit is to have it only in the dev stage and not in the production we are offering to copy code for registering new image sizes (Created with DevKit)

devkit thumbnails manager code

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