WP Admin Cleaner

Inject custom CSS in WP Admin

If you have an edge case problem with some specific plugin or you just want to push styling a little more to be more suitable to your taste we made it possible.

If you trigger switch “Inject Custom CSS” you will get a code editor to write your own styles.

The code editor is not extra burden as we reusing code mirror that is already shipped with WordPress.

wp admin cleaner inject css into wp admin

Code example

#adminmenu #menu-comments a { background: yellow ; color: black; }
#adminmenu #menu-comments div.wp-menu-image:before { color: black; }

#adminmenu #menu-appearance > a { background: orange ; color: black; }
#adminmenu #menu-appearance div.wp-menu-image:before { color: black; }

#adminmenu #menu-plugins > a { background: red ; color: black; }
#adminmenu #menu-plugins div.wp-menu-image:before { color: black; }

Inject Custom CSS

Is for the current user only.

Inject Global Custom CSS

Will effect all the users inside admin area.

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