3.7.4 – 25 Aug 2024
Bug fix:
- SCSS Partials not included in main header
- Delete SCSS Partial file when it’s deleted in trash
3.7.3 – 22 Aug 2024
Bug fix:
- SCSS compile file was not getting generated after latest changes.
- SCSS file was not getting removed when code block was deleted from trash
3.7.2 – 16 Aug 2024
- Header and Footer scripts does not save
3.7.1 – 15 Aug 2024
- Empty “” was converted to /”/” that was stopping css :after to work
3.7.0 – 14 Aug 2024
- Rebuild SCSS Compile function. Removed SCSSPHP library and moved to JS Compile with DartSass
- One click import. We have prepared one extra page with 25 code blocks (code snippets) that you can import with one click. Those are optimised and verified by out devs.
Monaco Editor’s wrap functionality has been improved. It was previously limited to a specific number of characters per row, but now it adjusts based on screen size.
3.6.2 – 3rd June 2024
Bug fixes:
- Backslash in SCSS was getting replaced with “REPLACEBACKSLASH”
- CSS Variables popup Search not visible
3.6.1 – 20th May 2024
- Small Admin UI Fixes and optimisation for compatibility with Gutenberg Studio
3.6.0 – 20th May 2024
- Add option to hide Scripts Organizer from WordPress Menu and Plugins list
- Format document with Prettier. Shortcut CTRL (⌘) + P
Bug fixes
- Typo under Features > Scripts Priority. It should be Backend Enqueue Scripts
- Spinner was always displayed for regenerate button
Regenerate hook to use in other plugins
Added current class on list inside edit screen
Script type class fix
Bug fix for save
Script type icon
More hooks added in everywhere (login_header, login_footer, admin_init)
- Fixed OxyProps color palette fix
- Fixed notice which was coming because of Bricks builder theme colors.
- Bricks oxypros color options fix, this is done by Osama, you need to check the overflow issue only.
- Elementor colors bug fix
- License will remove once deactivate button is clicked
- Colors picker bug fox for Elementor and Oxygen
- Added hook after generation of SCSS, CSS, JS files
- Now No need to reload the page after save of code block or partial on first save
- Added admin column to show which type of scripts are present in code block
- Bug fix for post types list as some post types registered by third party plugins were not showing
- Admin typo fix for Published status
Bug Fix
- Fixed PHP Notice for Bricks builder theme colors.
- Import SCSS Partials from files
Bug Fix
- Partials order was not working with latest Metabox update
Hot Fix:
- Bug fix for file_get_contents
- Bug fix for everywhere
- Bug fix – action/hook and priority fields were showing in admin_only and conditions
- Bug fix for Everywhere the PHP option don’t get selected
- Bug fix for select2 from Avada on code blocks page
Hot Fix:
- Bug fix – action/hook and priority fields were showing in admin_only and conditions
Hot Fix:
- PHP Intenseness for WordPress functions
- Hook and priority
- PHP code was getting overridden while saving by clicking on update button.
- Alter table query for scripts manager
- Avada theme conflicting with our select2 in SCORG
- Small bug fixes in admin area
- Scripts order in scripts manager
- Meta box version updated
- Tags import feature
- Bulk Enable/Disable
- https bug fix
- Element0r Color Picker
- Live (Hot) Reload for SCSS Partials
- Turned off regenerate files notice
- SCSS export/import issue fix
- Fix for code block import to save multiple script locations
- Variable picker
- Big performance improvements
- Search inside Code Block, Partials and Gutenberg Elements list
- Add Code Block, Partials, and Gutenberg Elements from one location
- Scripts & Styles Priority
- Live Reload (Sync) without page reload
- CSS for Gutenberg add on compatibility
- Increased code line height and now it’s changing with font size * 1.45
- Bugfix for Oxygen stylesheet
- Removed WP Admin Bar in preview
- Updated code for Gutenberg Addon
- Monaco editor was not resizing properly
- Not possible to save Oxygen Stylesheet after adding custom html character such as “►”
- Name dPlugins to DPlugins
- scorg-post.php file was being called early then it should
- Admin blocks list css overlap fixed
- Color picker from Oxygen Colors
- Conflict with Oxygen Code Block
- SCSS Source maps
- Added HTML, CSS, SCSS and JS to Admin only
- Preview enhancement
Preview enhancement
3.2.2 Fixes:
- Error with Elementor variable colors aka color picker
3.2.1 Updates:
- Updated notice bar message about “Regenerating Files“, as some users thought they need to regenerate files in Oxygen builder. Link is moved from Scripts Organizer to Regenerate Files.
3.2.0 – Backup your website before update and regenerate the code. Feature:
- Performance improvements. Things under the hood just got better and faster.
- Conditions Custom (WP Conditions with support of logical operators)
- Conditions Exclude
- Scripts Order
- New tabs inside editor to navigate faster between Code Blocks and SCSS Partials
- New Shortcuts
- Filter Code Blocks and SCSS Partials
- ID Number inside Code Block and SCSS Partials list
- Updated Color picker UI and added integration for Elementor and Bricks Colors
- Sync Files (Edit files on server with FTP and sync back to database)
- Safe Mode New Look
- Relocate Code Files
- Preview feature
- Monaco Editor for Theme and Plugin Editor
- Added Trash option in Admin Bar
- Code Settings section cleaned
- Server time is moved down to be above time conditions
- PHP 8 Compatible
- SCSS PHP Library updated to the latest version
Read more about it: https://dplugins.com/scripts-organizer-3-2/ 3.1.1 Fixes:
- CSS Overlap with Avada Theme on Select2 component
3.1.1 Fixes:
- CSS Overlap with UI Press, UI Press was hiding post settings
- CSS Pionet forms, Select 2 was full page width instead of column width
- SafeMode got more code validations
3.1.0 Feature:
- Live Preview
- Advanced Conditions ( Exclude )
3.0.1 Fixes:
- Oxygen stylesheets bug which was adding backslashes
3.0.0 Feature:
- New Code Editor
- Oxygen Stylesheets Editor
- Performance improvements
- Admin Column removed zebra
- Admin Column entire row is colored if active
- Quick Edit in Admin List
- Security issue
- Metabox Pro plugin conflict. If Scripts Organizer is active it was showing Metabox even Metabox is deactivated
- Scripts Organizer item was visible for non admins even they were not able to open it
- Color Picker for SCSS was not working due to Oxygen updates
2.4.2 Fixed:
- Bug when using Color picket in SCSS Partials
2.4.1 Features:
- SCSS Partials list in Code Block
- Code Block list in SCSS Partials
- When a page is set as a Homepage or Posts page (Blog archive ) then the condition was not working.
2.4.0 Features:
- Export-Import Code Blocks
- Export-Import SCSS Partials
- Pressing on SCSS Partials in WP-Admin top bar was leading to Code Blocks and not to the SCSS Partials
2.3.2 Fixed:
- Color Picker
2.3.1 Features:
- Insert Oxygen Global Colors (Oxygen native color variables)
2.3.0 Features:
- Migrate Easily from Code Snippets and Advanced Scripts
- Ajax refresh settings page after changes are saved
- Delete files when code block is deleted from trash
2.2.2 Fixed:
- SCSS was not compiling and was producing errors if partial was empty
- Bug fix for email tests was not working and emails were not being sent from admin.
2.2.1 Updates:
- Displaying and running scripts based on local time as per WordPress (previously it was based on universal time)
2.2.0 Features:
- Navigate fast between Code Blocks and Partials
2.1.2 Features:
- Code Navigator. Sidebar list to switch fast between Code Blocks and SCSS Partials
2.1.1 Fixed:
- Unable to update the plugin if the Safe Mode is on
2.1.0 Features:
- SCSS Partials
- Create a file for CSS and JS
- Toggle to exclude code from Page Builders
- Code Blocklist in WP-Admin top bar to switch fast between them
- Partials list in WP-Admin top bar to switch fast between them
- ID Number in Admin bar
- Safe mode quick toggle in WP-Admin top bar
2.0.0 Features:
- New Code Editor
- Options to choose Scripts and Styles in header and footer. (Previously it was HTML-based. The user needed to wrap CSS and JS code with <script> and <style> manually)
- Collapse Sidebar settings
- Multiple scripts locations moved to tab
- Updated Scripts Organizer logo in the admin area
- Scripts renamed on sever places to “Code Blocks”. Admin menu Scripts to Code Blocks. Admin Columns title, Custom Post Title
- Updated UI
- Description tab now expand as content grows
- Updated logic for enqueue for Scripts Manager
- Shortcode was displayed even if it is not activated
- Editor box not showing
- In a couple of places, colors were hardcoded (not var) and causing it not readable. The dark color on dark background
- Copy wp_enqueue was broken
- Dark mode there was overwriting color on Media Library
1.6.3 Bugs:
- Edit and Delete buttons was not working due to classes updates
1.6.2 Bugs:
- Updated E_PARSE handling
1.6.1 Updates:
- Improved Error messages in Safe Mode
- Updated compatibility between Swiss Knife and Scripts Organizer
1.6.0 Features:
- Dark Mode inside Scripts Organizer plugin interface
- Code Editor dark theme
- Custom font size for Code Editor
- Toggle Multiple Code Editors between row and column view
- Enable Fullscreen Mode
- Included first shortcut CTRL (or Cmd) ⌘ + S saves current script without need to click on the Update button
- Admin only option to run script only in admin
- Moved folder for PHP Scripts from plugin folder to the uploads directory
- Code Refactoring for better WordPress 5.7 support
- Toggle enable/disable script will be applied without the need to Save/Update the script again
- Server time is smaller and less prominent
- Check the code validation button is moved to the bottom right corner
- When Script was registered in Swiss Knife, Scripts Organizer was getting an error if the script was enqueued
- Updated compatibility with the latest Metabox plugin
Several Mind-Blowing Features:
- Now you can write scripts in the Header, Footer, and Function at the same time.
- Scripts Manager that is cross-functional with Swiss Knife you can register it in one plugin and use it in another
- Apply hooks and functions before everything ( previously was fired only after our filters )
- Apply hooks and functions in the admin only
- Tags for betters Scripts Organisation and filtering in Admin bar
- Enable/Disable Shortcodes in Admin bar
- Enable/Disable Scripts upload
- Features page to make features modular
- License menu renamed to Licence & Support
- Links inside Licence & Support are updated ( removed https://www, added youtube channel )
- Added Changelog link
- Selected time was not working, only time range was working
- WP-Stateless conflict
1.4.0 Updates:
- Complete UI redid ( moved into 1 row, it was a UI conflict with Assets Cleaner )
- Safe Mode ( In case there is PHP Error )
- Support for PHP
- Support for Shortcode
1.3.0 Updates:
- Complete UI redone
- Plugin Theme will follow the WordPress Admin theme
1.2.1 Bugs:
- Fixed bug for header script when setting “Schedule Script” to Daily and “Script Duration” to All Day
1.2.0 Features:
- Added description option for each script
- Scripts Planner renamed to Scripts Organizer
- In Scripts list in Admin – Enable/Disable moved in front of the title
- When the user was selecting a specific post type then code was not working
1.1.0 Features:
- Added option to select a date range (From-To). Previously we only had a specific date option.
- Added option to choose any registered Custom Post Type inside WordPress
- Added option to choose any registered Taxonomy inside WordPress
1.0.0 Scripts Planner for WordPress Features:
- Easy Way To Enable-Disable Scripts
- Schedule Script Date: Specific weekdays / Specific date
- Schedule Script Time: Set up hours and minutes
- Scripts Location: Header / Footer
- Current Server Time Banner
- Target Post And Pages: Handpick Post / Page
- Code Editor: CodeMirror included