Category: Sandbox
SandBox for Oxygen Builder
Installation, Free Version If you are using the free version, add it as any other plugins that are hosted on the WordPress repository. Navigate to: Plugins Add New Search for “SandBox for Oxygen Builder” Click install and then Activate Installation, Pro Version Upload SandBox Pro .zip file by navigation to: Plugins Add New Upload plugin…
Reset preview link
Link is shared with someone, and you don’t want that person can see that session anymore. Deleting the sandbox session and recreating edits would take too much time. Now you can keep the edits and reset the link so the previously shared link is not valid anymore. Once you hit the “Reset link” button the…
Export and Import the edits
Since working in Oxygen is much faster in the local environment we made it possible that users to download copies of the website. Work on the edit and export only things you have edited ( Session ). Once you finished edits you can export them. Each session separately by pressing the export button in the…
Make edits in Oxygen Builder visible only to you
By default when you activate the Sandbox plugin Sandbox Sessions are disabled and you need to make one. Go to Aether > Sandbox > Settings tab and press on Add New Session button. Once you press the button Session will be created. To start editing the website in Sandbox mode you need to Select the…
Share isolated edits with a link to others
By the default, no one can see Sandbox changes on your website. If you need to share it with your client for approval or your college to get some opinion navigate to the sandbox and copy and share the “Preview link”. You can send them all sandbox and then can preview in their browser one…
Multiple edits, versions
With Sandbox Pro you can have more than one Sandbox Sessions. Just hit the “Add New Session” button and create more of them. Use the radio button to switch between Sessions. Work on the projects in multiple Sessions There is no risk of conflict there. You can risk-free start working on one session. Jump to…
Publish edits with 1 click
We lied on this one a little. It’s actually two clicks since we introduced the confirmation dialog box. When changes are approved by your client or you are happy with the result to back to Sandbox Settings and hit Publish button. Once the button is pressed you will get a confirmation dialog box. Once publish…