
Design Set

Asura allows you to host multiple design sets in a single WordPress installation, except you need to use the universal CSS. Asura helps you to save server disk space and database quota.

The design set using the taxonomy system to group pages and components. A single page contains components, can be assigned to multiple design sets.

Assigning Components and Page to Design Set(s)

  1. Navigate to Pages > All Pages.
  2. Choose the page you wish to assign to the design set from the list table, and click the “Edit with Oxygen” link.
  3. Inside Oxygen Editor, click the Structure button on the top right of the screen. The “Structure” panel will opened.
  4. Choose which components you want to assign for the design set. Click the “🖋 pencil icon” on the right side and then click the “Categorize” option from the dropdown. The list of categories will be shown. Choose the one which the most describing your component.
  5. Click the Save button on the top right of the screen.
  6. Click the Back to WP button on the top right of the screen and click the “Admin” option.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the gutenberg editor page. You will find the “Design Sets Options” section on the Oxygen meta box.
  8. Tick the “Include the sections in this page in the library” checkbox.
  9. Tick the “Include this entire page in the library” checkbox.
  10. (Optional) Tick the “Include this page in the default setup” checkbox. When you activate this setting, the page will imported when “Install Wizard” on the Asura Connector plugin executed.
  11. On the “Page Category” dropdown, Choose the most describing your page.
  12. Click the Generate Screenshots button.
  13. On the “Designset” meta box on the right sidebar, choose the design set you are willing the page will be assigned to. The way it works is similar to tags.
  14. Click the Update button on the top right of the screen.

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